breathing rate

美 [ˈbriːðɪŋ reɪt]英 [ˈbriːðɪŋ reɪt]
  • 呼吸频率;呼吸率
breathing ratebreathing rate
  1. I step up the breathing rate & timing the contraction and relaxation of chest muscles .


  2. The experiment result indicates that , with 2,4-DCP increases in concentration , the microorganism breathing rate descends clearly , it restrains the microorganism breathing reaction seriously .


  3. An increased heart rate and breathing rate are common , too .


  4. The breathing rate is faster in children and women than in men .


  5. It requires considerable concentration to maintain a false breathing rate .


  6. This lactate threshold is closely correlated with heart rate and breathing rate .


  7. The arterial blood-gas analysis , breathing rate , arterial blood pressure , heart rate were recorded .


  8. The person 's breathing rate is measured by detecting the rise and fall of his chest .


  9. I lowered my breathing rate .


  10. The deep-breathing exercises help slow the breathing rate .


  11. Breathing rate increases to 50 % above normal level . Prolonged exposure can cause headache , tiredness .


  12. At the time of selection , look for signs of sickness such AS fever , increASed breathing rate , and diarrhea .


  13. Resistance created by the sound slows down the breathing rate and creates a back pressure that helps keep the airways open .


  14. I train life coaches to use reverse engineering in real time by subtly matching clients'body language , vocal tone , even breathing rate .


  15. Breathing rate 、 temperature 、 heart rate 、 ST , BA , MO values were significant different between 1 day old and 20 weeks old ;


  16. The mother 's body heat is not the only thing that helps the baby . Her heartbeat helps control the baby 's breathing rate .


  17. Results The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in artery ( PaCO_2 ) and breathing rate of the treatment group were significantly decreased after mechanical ventilation treatment .


  18. So in the paper we introduced a design proposal of wireless transmitting breathing rate detector based on AT90S8535 microcontroller in accordance with the principles of temperature sensor .


  19. And it also studies the dynamics process between 2,4-DCP concentration and aerobic microorganism breathing rate , which is proved to be the bio-chemical first class dynamics reaction .


  20. Your body will start switching off if your heart and breathing rate drop too low for too long , so try and take a walk in the fresh air every couple of hours .


  21. Results showed that : ( 1 ) Rectal temperature and breathing rate of Hol-stein cow in summer slow heat stress period were significantly higher than that in winter non - heat stress period .


  22. The he sick pig rise of bodily temperature , the breathing rate increases , the heart rate speeds up , the clinical manifestation becomes emaciated , anemia , symptom and so on jaundice .


  23. Result : The arterial blood-gas analysis , breathing rate , arterial blood pressure , heart rate were found to be significantly improved after BiPAP ventilation by face mask . Only 2 patients deteriorated and needed intubation .


  24. The head wall contains the equipment needed to check vital signs ( heartbeat , breathing rate , temperature and blood pressure ) , as well as oxygen and other supplies , all stowed neatly out of sight but easily accessible through pull-down panels in the wall .


  25. A Study on Effect of Exercise and Breathing on Heart Rate and Amplitude of Heart Sound


  26. It 's an analogous compound . It 'll slow his breathing and heart rate considerably .


  27. Objective To study the effect of exercise and breathing on heart rate and amplitude of heart sound using digital phonocardiogram .


  28. When you 're relaxed , your breathing and heart rate slow and your mind clears .


  29. The rise in sleep inducing chemicals , like adenosine and melatonin , send us into a light dose that grows deeper , making our breathing and heart rate slow down and our muscles relax .


  30. but also your breathing , your heart rate -- which I just also did --
